Evening along Jalan Korea - Avond aan Jalan Korea
I spent four days along Jalan Korea, it is reached by driving between about one and a half hour with an ojek (small motorbike), when starting form Nimbokrang. 'Jalan' means 'walk' in Indonesian and this word is often used as a name of a road. The area along the road, holds mainly secondary forest, but the road itself is very good for birdwatching, as you have often a better view on some of the canopy species, compared to when you walk inside the forest. I spent two days walking into the deeper parts of the forest. To reach the pristine forest, one has first to cross about three rivers. The pristine forest is very rich in pigeons and parrots, and holds healthy populations of Northern Cassowaries and Western Crowned Pigeons. I spent also two mornings walking in the Swamp Forest close to the Campsite. This is a very good spot for Pale-billed Sicklebill and Twelve-wired Bird of Paradise. We were lucky to be able to use the freshly built campsite of Birdquest, a birding tour company who was there a few days before us, so no extra preparations had to be made.