Swallows gathering on the wires - Zwaluwen verzamelen op de draden - Hirundo rustica, Delichon urbica, Riparia riparia
This picture was made in the evening at Vransko Lake, in Croatia. These swallows were gathering on the wires, before flying to their sleeping roosts in the reed. Barn Swallows, followed by House and Sand Martins were outnumbering the other bird species, but Bee-eaters, Spanish Sparrows, Starlings, Turtle Doves, Starlings and Corn Buntings were also present in smaller numbers on the wires.
Vransko Lake is the biggest natural lake of Croatia. The Northwest side of the lake has huge reedbeds, which are home to healthy populations of most of the typical reedbirds. In august hundreds of thousands of Swallows and martins use the reedbeds as sleeping roosts, which causes an amazing spectacle in the late evening and early morning.