White-striped Tiger Beetle - Zandloopkever - Cicindela lemniscata, Cylindera lemniscata
Many of the Tiger Beetle species which are active during the summer in the South of the USA, are mainly active at night. They are often attracted to bright lights. In particular after a heavy monsoon rain they can be attracted in hundreds to the lights of remote gasoline-filling stations.
Because it had rained very heavily during the afternoon, and the temperatures had cooled down a little bit, the White-striped Tiger Beetles had come out pretty early in the evening. There were hundreds of them running around very actively on an open field. Despite being so numerous, this tiny species is easily overlooked: it is very small (7-9mm) and very shy. It often already flies away at a distance of a few metres, so the tiny bug has usually vanished long before one has noticed it. Moreover, they were very well camouflaged on the reddish soil. It is only because I knew the circumstances were very good to observe the species that I found them after some active searching. Once I noticed one individual I saw that the entire field was plenty of others. At night I even saw several individuals in the middle of the city of Cottonwood! So the species can be really numerous during the humid evenings of the monsoon season.