Salt Lake is populated during the summer by billions of brine flies, which attracts a lot of birds and insects predating on them. The Brine flies are also the bulk food of hundreds of thousands of Orb Weaver Spiders, Neoscona arabesca.
16/06/2015Half July 2015, we visited Great Salt Lake. I knew the lake would be an attractive spot for birds, but during our visit we fell from one surprise into another.
11/06/2015Vast intact ecosystems are often the subject of fascinating natural dynamics. Here are two stories about these natural danymics in Yellowstone.
10/06/2015Yellowstone National Park is the oldest and probably also one of the best-known national parks in the entire world.
25/05/2015In July 2014 we visited the Makah Indian Reservation along Neah Bay, which lies in the North-eastern corner of the Olympic Peninsula.